An easy way to calculate Das28 score.

This can help physician to calculate DAS28 score and manage patient profile.

About Us

Using this mobile application is an easy and modern way to calculate and manage your patients DAS28 scores.

Why we are best for you

With DAS28-eMonitor the physician won't worry stay with his computer to calculate the DAS28 score and go back to the station to view patient's profile and records.
Everything is on his mobile device.

Simple Management

Easily to create a new patient profile by patients birth date.

Calculate DAS28 Score

Calculating the DAS28 score by inputting the data either by clicking or entering.


Seeing the historical scores and the effect of medications both in tabular or graphical format.


Using this mobile application is an easy and modern way to calculate and manage your patients DAS28 scores.

Friendly Design

Simple flat design with contrasting color scheme which help user easily scan content.

Easy Navigation

Simplified navigation with very clear and clutter-free navigation.

Physician Portal

With physician portal, physician can access all patients data and quick access to DAS28 calculator.

Easy Monitor

Search patient by patient ID and view all historical DAS28 score and medication.


All can done on your mobile device.

Data Security

All data is saved locally and will not be shared anyone else.

Start better management by downloading DAS28-eMonitor today.


User friendly design help you to manage your patients DAS28.

100 +


100 +


99 +


10 +


download now

Join Us today by downloading DAS28-eMonitor iPhone Application to make your life easier to keep track all DAS28 data and manage your patient profile.

Available on

At this moment we are only offering DAS28-eMonitor to iOS users. In the future, we will add support to different platform like Android and Window.

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